I am doing qPCR assay targeting intI1 genes, with some waste water treatment plant DNA samples. I used the primer pairs HS463a (CTGGATTTCGATCACGGCACG), HS464 (ACATGCGTGTAAATCATCGTCG), IntI1F165 (CGAACGAGTGGCGGAGGGTG), IntI1R476 (TACCCGAGAGCTTGGCACCCA), IntI1-LC5 (GATCGGTCGAATGCGTGT), IntI1-LC1 (GCCTTGATGTTACCCGAGAG).

According to the published informations, HS463a-HS464 amplifies both clinical and environmental class 1 integrons. IntI1F165-IntI1R476 only amplifies the clinical version.

IntI1LC1-IntI1LC5 amplifies clinical IntI1, but I was wondering if it can amplify the environmental version too. Anyone tried this primer pairs before and can answer this question?

Also, for further analysis I have to choose one primer pair out of these three. what are the factors I have to consider to select the best one?

the standard curves look good for all three primers. But the recorded copy numbers for the same unknown samples are different using each primer pair.

Thank you!

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