In organic chemistry we use molecular sieves (4A Beads) for drying of organic solvents. I want to know how to confirm the threshold limit beyond which the molecular sieves (4A Beads) cannot be reused further?
Dry them, then on a glass of water and a thermometer add a bunch. You should see a considerable rise in temperature, if the termperature doesn't change, they're done for.
Molecular sieves 3A are better over 4A in common solvent drying, but costly in lab catalogs. However, available everywhere and very cheap PHONOSORB ® 555 ( adsorbent for insulating glass units) is exact dry, ready to use 3A molecular sieves!
In addition to Tomás Allende answer ->
Molecular sieves 3A validation: wetting with 1/6 water (by weight) should rise temperature ~ 30 - 34oC