I want to analyze the biofilm images obtained in CLSM through COMSTAT. I am using COMSTAT 2.1 Image J plugin. The workflow I am following is :

1. Import all the images in image J of a single channel (green).

2.Making a stack file of the images.

3. Saving the stack file in OME-TIFF format.

4. From the plugins, Open COMSTAT 2

5. Adding the OME-TIFF file containing folder in the observed directory.

6. Selecting the ome-tiff folder in the images directory.

7. Selecting the desired parameters-- GO

8. Results are saved in the parent folder.

However, it seems the result I got do not correspond to the images.

For instance, the intensity of red channel is lower than the green channel. However, the data of green channel is higher than the red channel.

What may be the problem? Am I doing it wrong?

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