07 September 2020 5 8K Report

Hi, I am analysing the influence of cognitive and emotional response on purchase intent.

I have a collection of Likert Scales (1= totally agree, 5=totally disagree) rating the phrases 'This makes me feel happy', 'this makes me feel inspired', 'this makes me feel sad', 'this makes me feel bored' etc. These were answered in response to a Facebook post.

the participants of the study then answered on another Likert scale (also 1= totally agree, 5 totally disagree) rating how the post influenced their purchase intent -rating the phrase 'This makes me want to purchase the product'

I am trying to find a relationships between the emotions and purchase intent, but unsure exactly which analysis on SPSS is more appropriate for this. I attempted a spearman correlation but not sure if it is the right fit and I am not sure how to read the results.

Any suggestions? Thank you!

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