As we all known, the plasmid map point out some characteristics of the plasmid. We should choose the palsmid depending on the plasmid map. But, I really don't know how to read and get more information about the plasmid.
Babak linked to a useful resource. Usually if I can not find my plasmid of interest on Addgene I look on LabLife.
With respect to viewing the sequence information, if you'd like to do so outside of your web browser VectorNTI is a good software tool for that. Your University might have copies of it for you to use.
When you are seen a plasmid at addgene (I don't know if it is the same for other repositories), click "view all sequences". There you will see many graphics with the whole plasmid and parts of it, click "analyze" and you will open an interactive graphic. There you can point each part of the plasmid to obtain information about the genes, promoters, restriction sites and every single feature of the plasmid you are checking. you can also select a portion of the plasmid and check the sequence. Another interesting option is that you play with Plasmapper, it is a tool for creating plasmid maps. I hope this helps you. Regards.