There are many computational miRNA target prediction tools like Diana-MicroT, TargetScan, Targetminer etc. They all provide some kind of prediction score(s) depending on target site features (e.g. seed complementarity, sequence conservation, free energy of binding, AU content, accessibility of binding sites etc.) for each predicted miRNA-mRNA interaction. However, I have read some papers that when they integrate the prediction results of these tools for their miRNA of interest, they tend to ignore prediction scores and just look at if a particular miRNA-mRNA interaction is predicted by at least 2 or 3 prediction tools they selected to assume that the miRNA-mRNA interaction is reliable. Why? I don't understand.

My questions are 

1. Is it Ok to ignore prediction scores and consider overlapping results only to conclude a miRNA-mRNA interaction is reliable if we are looking at/integrating the prediction results of, let's say, 2 or more prediction tools?  Or

2. Is there any tool that integrates prediction results of some of the prediction tools and their scores in some way and provide single score to rank miRNA-mRNA interactions? 

Thank you all for your answers.

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