I have purified a protein of 36kDa with Ni-NTA affinity chrmotography and initially protein was eluted with 100-500mM imidazole.

When elution was started with 300mM imidazole  and so on protein was eluted in precipitated form.

I have changed buffering conditions like 50mM Tris pH 8.5, phosphate (7.4)and 25mM HEPES(7.4) and 5% glycerol and 2mM DTT was included in the elution buffer separately but there is no change in the precipitation.

Even 500mM NaCl in the lysis and elution buffer have not shown any effect.

Protein eluted with 100 and 200mM imidazole is stable and low in quantity  compared to 300-500mM elutions.

I needed to go up to 8mg/ml of protein for my further studies.

Provide your valuable suggestions to overcome the problem.

Lysis buffer : 50mM Tris,300mM NaCl,0.1 % Triton,1mM PMSF,10 % Glycerol.

Protein pI : 6.5

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