Since a long time it has been said that you can keep a tube for a CBC with EDTA as long as 24hs in the freege with no detriment to the counting. But I do not have evidence, only my experience.
Blood can be collected into tripotassium EDTA; citrate, theophylline, adenosine, and dipyridamole (CTAD); or a combination of both (E/C) and stored at ambient temperature or at 4 °C (E/C only) and can be analyzed between 0 and 180 min later on the ADVIA 120.
It can be stored for 12, 24 or 36 h prior to processing at 4°C and it can be frozen at −80°C for 20 days and then thawed under controlled conditions.
Stability of the samples can different based on variety of assays used.
How many days could be blood sample on anticoagulant EDTA kept in refrigeration for further examination esp. For making blood film for detection of blood parasites
Moemen Mohamed How many days could be blood sample on anticoagulant EDTA kept in refrigeration for further examination esp. For making blood film for detection of blood parasites
Hi Alex! EDTA blood (or blood stored in lavender top / EDTA tube) can be stored refrigerated for up to 12 hours if it won't be processed immediately. Ideally, blood with EDTA as an anticoagulant should be processed within an hour at room temperature. Before running the test using the refrigerated sample, let it return first to room temperature (Zoetis, 2019).