The fading antibodies to natural infection (3-6 months) has not yet been studied yet in vaccine trials as most are still in development or phase II/III.
However, most vaccine trials have demonstrated a robust antibody response. It is possible that this antibody response is stronger with vaccine than natural infection as mentioned in a letter published in nature.
The protection period is not known until now for such novel urgent used vaccine so ,from the preliminry studied inactivated vaccine give prtection for six months at least after the second booster dose.
Dear colleaques fro the protction period for any novel urgent vaccine need at least one year fo evaluation its protection period,so our answered depends on expection,finally we are not in ideal circumstance to ask for ideal answer pandemic answer. Best regards.
Thanks to all respected respondent. I Thinks that on an average one year after two doses. Interval between two dose is three months. It will also depend upon the type of vaccine
Dear colleaques the enviroment (cotaminated)act as continuous stimulation of imunological system ,so, for this cause it is defficult to detetmine titer,duration of the vsccine.Best regards.
I gave answer and got congratultion from the researchgate ,Covid_19 is a novel urgent vaccine,inactivated so the duration of protection at least 6 months.
Vaccination is a type of passive immunity a killed or attenuated form of virus is is impregnated in the body and produces some antibodies a form of immunity which is memorized in the body and lasts for a life time even if there is any reinfection of virus in particular covid-19 strain the immunity is immediately triggered and can combat the infection.