18 Questions 1K Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Hassan Izzeddin Sarsak
The pandemic has led to depression and anxiety and its negative effects shouldn't be ignored. However, it has also led some people to become more resilient! What do you think? Thank you.
22 February 2021 5,179 19 View
Everyone experiences unexpected highs and lows in their life. But new research suggests that for most of us, happiness, and the lack of it, follow a fairly predictable trajectory. What do you...
14 December 2020 2,373 39 View
What are characteristics of psychologically healthy people? Thank you.
10 December 2020 4,485 28 View
Increasing happiness is a challenging task these days, but that doesn't mean it can't be done. Any research-based approaches? Thank you.
08 December 2020 9,477 37 View
Modern technology has made writing by hand unnecessary for many. But using pen and paper comes with some serious benefits for memory and learning, research finds. What do you think? Thank you.
11 October 2020 5,170 42 View
PS. Bobby was a pilot for Air India when a bird strike smashed the window of his commercial jet. The glass shards flew into his face and those in his eyes left him blind. He was a doctoral...
18 July 2020 1,982 16 View
If you would like to find out and self-evaluate your workspace at home, please fill the following survey. https://forms.gle/cNUUcWaZjcJ7aUai9 Thank you for your time and participation.
14 May 2020 5,811 53 View
Endless worrying can be emotionally and mentally draining. Recent research finds that quickly jotting down anxious thoughts can free up brain space and help you calm down. Do you agree?
27 April 2020 460 53 View
No, you can't live in the past. But recent research says you should probably visit it a lot more often especially when times are tough in the present.
10 April 2020 904 94 View
What could possibly be driving the actions of people who defy urgent calls for social distancing? What most common thinking errors could possibly be the reason behind that? Thank you.
06 April 2020 7,607 53 View
Our brains really do shrink as they age. But new research finds that regularly engaging in reading, swimming, gardening, or other activities could slow the process.
30 March 2020 9,197 95 View
Mental health is complicated, but you may have more control than you think. Taking these small actions today can set the stage for a brighter tomorrow.
06 February 2020 1,146 89 View
The lingering effects of childhood trauma can have consequences for an adult’s health, happiness, and more. Acknowledgment, and compassionate treatment, can help.
17 January 2020 8,395 38 View
Are people born shy, or does shyness emerge based on their experiences with other people? Research suggests an answer, and ways to embrace people of all temperaments. What do you think? Thank you...
04 December 2019 1,283 13 View
About 40 percent of us regularly experience loneliness, with all of its mental and physical costs. Fortunately, recent research points to some ways to overcome it. In your opinion, how to cure...
18 October 2019 1,384 90 View
Older people who drink tea at least four times a week have better brain efficiency than those who don’t, a new neuroimaging study reveals. Drinking tea is associated with better cognitive function...
13 September 2019 2,827 95 View
Recently, scientists announced the development of a wireless, smartphone-controlled device that delivers medication to the brain. Is this the future of med management?
17 August 2019 9,900 15 View
Working parents—and moms in particular—are caught between two seemingly incompatible ideals: being the perfect employee and being the perfect parent. What are your thoughts?
01 January 1970 4,426 6 View