Is anyone familiar with the transmission line measurement method to measure the contact resistance? what is the pros and cons of this method? Are there any other methods that can be used to extract the information of the contact resistance?
What are you measuring the contact resistance of? Is it close to the measuring instrument because if it is why use a transmission line? If it is a long distance away then you would use a time domain reflectometer - but this does not give resistance directly, it gives the degree of mismatch. Please tell more about what you want to do.
Contact resistance measurement and transmission lines look to be poles apart. Of what is the contact resistance you are desirous of measuring? is it of a relay, a connector or a switch. Could not understand the relevance of transmission lines in this context. Please give more details....
Thanks Amirhossein, that is an interesting article. I see now what you are trying to do. It isn't a transmission line in the usual sense! I misunderstood.
You are trying to find the limit of d(conductance)/d(Area) as d(Area) goes to zero, at the boundary of your metal and semiconductor. The method in that article should be useful! Best wishes with your measurements.
HI, Transmission line method or Transfer Length Measurement is a technique used to determine the contact resistance of metal-semiconductor contact. Find out more here: