14 Questions 8 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Chenjin Lu
Hi I want to simulate ITO/c-Si junction behavior and solar cell performance. Therefore, here comes to a question about Silvaco TCAD simulator. Is that possible to model TCO layer such as ITO as a...
27 June 2018 7,312 5 View
Dear experienced researcher, I will briefly explain my experiment and then ask two questions I have. The solution of particular interest is transition metal oxides (TMOs), especially Molybdenum...
10 January 2018 1,695 3 View
Why in the Beer Lambert Law the light intensity attenuation is base 10: I=I010^(-ecd); In my memory, the light attenuation should be base e like this I=I0e^(-ad);
23 November 2017 832 5 View
Hi all, I want to disperse Mo nanopowder into IPA solvent. I am planning to adding some dispersing agent and use ultrasonic treatment. However, I am not sure what kind of dispersing agent should...
27 October 2017 3,196 2 View
Hi all, I prepared some transitional metal oxide solution by mixing nano powder transitional metal with organic solvent and some H2O2. Then I deposited the solution on silicon using spin coating....
19 October 2017 5,637 9 View
How can I measure the transition metal oxide thin film electrical property, especially for some low conductivity film like MoO3.
06 July 2017 721 3 View
Hi, I have a chemical process that I will evaporate ammonium molybdate tetrahydrate. So there will be ammonia NH3 gas coming out. What should I do for the risk control. I am thinking to do this...
28 February 2017 2,117 3 View
Since I am not from the material science background, I am not so clear about how the material structure can play a role in material energy band. For example, when material is being oxidized, the...
14 February 2017 5,336 3 View
I want to run the simulation using HFSS, however it requires the data like relative permittivity and dielectric loss tangent. Where can I find the reliable source? Also is there any way to extract...
02 February 2017 7,499 1 View
Is anyone familiar with the transmission line measurement method to measure the contact resistance? what is the pros and cons of this method? Are there any other methods that can be used to...
16 January 2017 9,145 6 View
From what I know is after HF etching of the Si surface, the SiOx is removed and the surface is left with H-terminal on top of Si. Since H is more electronegative than Si, As a result H is negative...
10 January 2017 1,117 4 View
Hi, I am not familiar with the laser technology. However, I may use the laser to do my project, so I want to have an overall picture of the typical laser beam diameter to evaluate the viability...
25 September 2016 4,050 5 View
Hi, I am just wondering how people define primary flat and secondary flat. I know in and Silicon Wafer, there are both p and n type. 90° angle between flats indicates it...
22 September 2016 2,378 3 View
It is pretty clear that non-radiative recombination (surface recombination) greatly reduce the Voc in solar cells. How about radiative recombination. I would think of high radiative recombination...
09 September 2016 2,807 14 View