7 Questions 18 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Amirhossein Ghods
I have fabricated a Schottky junction (100nm Au on nGaAs substrate with Ohmic contact of AuGe(100nm)/Ni(30nm)/Au(50nm) on nGaAs) using ebeam evaporation...When I perform I-V measurements, there...
07 November 2017 4,926 10 View
I am trying to use a small size crucible (smaller in volume) in ebeam evaporator for depositing expensive materials such as Au and AuGe. I also want the crucible to fit the pocket of the...
04 April 2017 3,804 4 View
Why depletion region (i.e. built-in potential) in Schottky contact is smaller than the pn junction? In other words, why Voc of Schottky contact is smaller than the pn junction? Does it have any...
04 January 2017 7,996 3 View
Hi, I sometimes see some manuals for example for a Xenon arc lamp, where they state the spectral power distribution in a relative form (usually in "arbitrary unit"), in which the manufacturers...
09 November 2016 9,063 4 View
I am wondering if i have a GaAs solar cell and a Si solar cell, what would be the best combination to achieve the max power: have a two modules of series connected silicon (gaas) cells together,...
26 September 2016 4,324 3 View
I do have a sample that i want to illuminate a monochromatic beam on it. the problem is that the sample is smaller than the beam size. i was wondering if anyone can suggest a way to reduce the...
26 July 2016 1,840 3 View
As everyone knows the goal when constructing a photovoltaic cell is to maximize the power conversion efficiency (PCE). This is done through maximizing Voc and Jsc. I was just reading a paper that...
20 July 2016 6,196 5 View