I am intending to use TGF-beta receptor 1 antibody as a blocker in cultured fibroblasts treated with TGF-b. In general, to assess the FMT (fibrobllast-to-myofibroblast transition), cells are incubated with TGF-b for 5-7 days (M. Michalik et al. Respiratory Medicine, 2011). My first question is whether I should pre-incubate the cells with the antibody for few hours then give TGF-b for 5-7 days, or I should keep the antibody the whole time while TGF-b is present in the media? If yes, won't that cause the antibody to become dysfunctional?

My second question is, in case I am treating the cells with a drug, what is the protocol? Antibody first, then drug, then TGF-b? I am willing to see whether the TGF-b receptor blockade can affect my drug's activity.

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