I saw that there are many ways to make VASP calculations faster. I have some questions regarding these methods.

(1)Set ALGO=F. Basically, this uses Blocked Davidson algorithm in the first five steps and uses RMM-DIIS. Question: Is this safe to be used? I read from a tutorial handout that RMM-DIIS can skip some of the eigenstates.  I am not sure what that mean though.

(2)Set LREAL=A I heard this will affect accuracy. How will I know if the accuracy effect is not acceptable? Is there some convergence/benchmarking tests like for ENCUT and kpoints to see if its effect on accuracy is unacceptable?

(3) Use NSIM = 4. I haven't read much about this. Any experience on using this option?

(4) Use mixing tags. How do you know how to play around and set the values of IMIX, INIMIX, MAXMIX, AMIX, BMIX, AMIX MAG, BMIX MAG, AMIN, MIXPRE, and WC tags?

Thank you very much,

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