13 Questions 29 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Shaira Narido
Hi, I have some specific questions regarding the interpretation of DOS plots from DFT softwares (e.g. VASP). 1. What does it mean when the peaks broadened after material alterations (e.g. addition...
04 July 2017 7,716 6 View
Hi, I am studying how to use VASP to obtain DOS for several systems. I'm trying it on H2 molecule and I get really weird results. All the states are way above Fermi level. I am thinking that DOS...
26 June 2017 3,765 5 View
Hi, I just want to verify if these are the correct steps to Bader Charge Analysis: Steps: 1. Relax the system to a converged geometry. 2. Using the relaxed geometry, perform static calculation...
20 January 2017 475 15 View
I studying how to generate charge density difference graphs and how to do Bader Charge analysis. There is a very good PowerPoint on generating charge density difference graphs (see link...
27 May 2016 6,898 12 View
Dear all, May I confirm if the following steps are correct in generating the output files for DOS? Relax the system to its converged geometry. Do SCF calculations with the converged geometry from...
03 March 2016 7,969 4 View
Greetings! In energy and relaxation calculations, I do a convergence test to determine the best number of K points. I do this by varying the k points number N x N x 1 and getting the energy. When...
20 January 2016 392 5 View
Greetings! I relaxed different geometries to determine the best site of adsorption. I then did static calculations of each relaxed geometry to calculate the adsorption energy using the formula...
17 January 2016 8,226 3 View
I want to use IVDW=1 for vdW correction in VASP. According to the manual, if there are elements beyond Xe, one should explicitly write the VDW_C6 and VDW_R0 for elements beyond Xe since these...
31 August 2015 2,385 3 View
I personally prefer ISIF=2 so that the volume of the supercell will stay constant. This makes comparison with other systems easier since I am assured that they will have the same supercell shape...
12 June 2015 1,242 4 View
If you have a substrate with crystalline structure (such as metal) and you have asymmetric molecules (such as NO, CO2, etc) in your supercell, it would seem that the system is not perfectly...
12 June 2015 6,434 4 View
I was reading Computational Materials Science by June Gunn Lee, and in his examples he turned off the symmetry for systems which I feel is symmetrical. I'll give examples: In page 202, the system...
26 January 2015 8,171 2 View
If you are just interested in the energy of the system and this system has Fe atoms, will it matter to set the MAGMOM tag? Will it affect the computed energies or affect the convergence speed if...
23 January 2015 2,698 4 View
I saw that there are many ways to make VASP calculations faster. I have some questions regarding these methods. (1)Set ALGO=F. Basically, this uses Blocked Davidson algorithm in the first five...
20 January 2015 4,176 14 View