01 February 2015 3 8K Report

I’m working on an automated frog call detection problem. I’m trying to determine a good way to estimate the number of true negatives within a given sample. The true and false positives, and the false negative are easy, but to perform some of the more sophisticated analyses, one needs a value for the true negatives. True negatives in this context can be defined as the sample space within which the automated classifier could have made an incorrect classification, but did not.

My thought was to sum the time taken up by the true and false positives then add the time taken by the false negatives (determined by multiplying the number of false negatives by the mean time of a true positive). Then subtract that value from the overall time, leaving the time that was “at risk” of incorrect classification. Then divide the remaining time by the mean time of a false negative (with the logic that if it did make a hit, it would have been incorrect) to get the number of true negatives.

The problem with this method is that it does not work when there are lots of calls, frequently the summed time exceeds the recording time, which makes sense. I am going to explore the use of the median, but I was curious if anyone else has gone down this particular path with any degree of success?



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