Patricia asked very relevant questions, but I guess that you have just started planning how to stain blood vessels in your tissue - and wanted to try Ulex europeus. I have used biotinylated Ulex (from Vector on FFPE (formalin-fixed-paraffin-embedded) tissues before, and it works very well. I have used biotinylated Ulex, but you have a choice of fluorescent tags also - from this or other suppliers.I have added the link because when you choose the tag you can then access a sep-by-step description of the staining method). Good luck with your experiments.
It depends. If you are using lectins for tracing then you have to detect them by specific antibodies. If you likte to use lectins for tissue staining then I recommand to do this with biotinylated lectins. You have 2 possibilities to detect them 1. by Strepatavidin or ABC conjugated with POD or AP and 2. with fluofors like CY2 or CY3 for Immunflourescence. Normally the biotinylated lectins work on paraffin sections as well as on free floating froszen sections. I have made this experiences with Griffonia and Wisteria lectins. Sigma-Aldrich sells good biotinylated lectins. Good luck!
The suggestions of Ute Neubabacher and Maria Jeziorska are very good.I have personal experience in lectin staining using jack fruit lectin and snake gourd lectin.I have isolated these lectins, purified and conjugated the lectin with HRP and then performed lectin staining using the standard ABC method using DAB as chrmogen in paraffin embedded tissue samples as well as alcohol fixed cytology samples.
Very thankful for the kind responses. Yes, am using the formalin fixed paraffin embedded technique for this project. Actually, i wanted to standardize IHC technique by using lectins as ABC method and immunoflourescence has already been used in the literature. I have bought the molecules from sigma aldrich. Waiting for the result.
Preety Sehrawat, were you able to get positive results? I'm also looking to use a lectin (Wheat germ agglutinin) in IHC for formalin fixed paraffin embedded sections