I want to know why the PLGA nanoparticle prepared by double emulsion method is not solubilizing in water or PBS. 

I have used 100 mg of PLGA in DCM and mixed with 7 mg of protein (O/W1) and sonicated for 30 secs at 38% amplitude and then added the mixture in 0.5% PVA and sonicated for 30 secs at 38% amplitude. Then this whole mixture is mixed with 100 ml of 0.3% PVA again and stirred for 3 hrs to remove DCM. Then centrifuged at 12000 RPM for 40 min and washed with water thrice. 

The particle should be soluble in water or PBS. But its not. Can any one please tell me what could have went wrong in this or what can be done to solubilize this? 

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