Thanks for your help. I tried using 0.3 mg/ml and 0.1 mg/ml DAPI in PBS (pH 7.2) and my incubation time of about 15 min. Dye is getting accumulated at the periphery of the microalgal cells.
I had no problem with Euglena and Chlorella cells when fixed or dead, by doing ethanol fixation and incubating with DAPI. For Chlorella vulgaris, for instance, if you want to stain both nucleic acid (blue) and polyphosphate (yellow), I used 100 µg/mL DAPI 10 min incubation following Ethanol 1:1 fixation. For Euglena gracilis, 2 µM of DAPI gave good results after a similar incubation. For Chromochloris I found that 0.2 µg/mL 10 minutes in modified Acetate medium worked well. If you want to stain live cells, you will need permeabilization (I have not tried this). I have been using it in either fixed/permeabilized cells (with ethanol) or as a membrane integrity dead cell staining.