I have tried running a command line blast. The query file is a multi fasta file containing 2600 sequences. It was made a BLASTX against a proteins sequences (ProDom) of size 2 GB (prodom.phr : 1:00 GB, prodom.pin : 46.6 MB, prodom.psq : 2.01 GB). The first 142 sequences are getting the results, after that I am getting an error. The command that I have given and the error that I am getting are given below:

F:\blast\bin>blastx -db db/prodom -query in/seqs.txt -out out/seqs-prodom-blastx-20130811-e-1e-003.txt -evalue 1e-003

BLAST Database error: CSeqDBAtlas::MapMmap: While mapping file [F:\blast\bin\db\prodom.psq] with 602599160 bytes allocated, caught exception:

NCBI C++ Exception:

"..\..\..\..\..\src\corelib\ncbifile.cpp", line 4572: Error: ncbi::CMemoryFileSegment::CMemoryFileSegment() - File offset may not be negative

I have tried repeating the analysis with the 142 sequences removed, but still it's throwing the same error. Please let me know where am I going wrong or should I change any settings.

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