I have submitted a first draft of my dissertation where I say 7.5% of employed people who have declared a disability are deaf compared with 18% who have mental health difficulties. I try to say that this may show that those who are deaf have greater problems getting employment.
My supervisor is saying that I should consider making a comparison to the overall population who are deaf or mentally ill but I'm not sure how to do this especially as there are differing figures on the population. She also says I shouldn't make assertions without being able to back it up.
I'm not quite sure how to make the comparison or how to word it in my dissertation. I'm feeling rather stupid right now, my mind seems blank and I don't seem to get what she wants me to do, even after several emails and phone calls I am still stuck.
I am hoping that people on research gate can help me understand what to do. I'm wondering if should just state the figures and leave it at that with no comment, maybe that would be easier!