A very good spectrophotometric method for determining Ag concentrations is by complexation with 2-(2-quinolylazo)-5-diethylaminoaniline (QADEAA) to form a violet complex which enables quick (within 5 min) and reliable determination of 10-600 ppb of Ag. The details of the method is given in Talanta 58, (2002), 467–473.
Use an Ag+-ion-selective electrode to follow on-line any variation of the silver ions. Details can be found in “Working with Ion-selective electrodes”, Springer Publishing Corporation 1979). You need the silver-selective electrode, a reference electrode with double junction, and a pH-meter which is less costly than a spectrophotometer.
maybe you can use the commercial photometric test from Hach Lange company. Here is the info about the colorimetric test: http://www.hach.com/silver-reagent-set-colorimetric-method/product-downloads?id=7640178466&callback=qs. Download the methods list and you will see. If you build a calibration on your standard maybe it will help. A range of a test is from 0.02 to 0.70 mg/L.