I tried to cultivate Haematococcus pluvialis to higher biomass in green colour, then change to stressful conditions, such as light intensity, N-source conditon, etc, but in vain. Please help me how to increase the Astaxathin content.
It is important to know the actual irradiance level in the bioreactor (or any other cultivation system) you are using to impose the stress on the Haematococcus cells. First, the irradiance should be significantly higher than for growing green cells (e.g. 300-400 uE/m^2/s). It is desirable to check the irradiance at the surface and/or in the center of the cultivation vessel. Second, the suspension should not be too dense, otherwise the inner part of the suspension will be under-illuminated due to attenuation of light by superficial layers of the suspension. Third, you need to be really sure that you do not carry over much nutrients with green cells to the cultivation system used to impose the stress. These conditions could be satisfied, to a certain degree, by dilution of the green culture with water. Good luck!