Through biological reclamation. Plantation of suitable tree species around the water drains or canal mitigate negative impacts of heavy metals and trace elements present in the flyash.
For a effluent of a similar composition, the following technological scheme of the purification process was proposed:
1) Averaging waste water in order to regulate the flow of waste water and eliminate significant fluctuations in the composition of individual components during the period of volley discharges.
2) Disinfection of the feed water flow with sodium hypochlorite is necessary to maintain the sanitary state of treatment facilities.
3) Reagent water softening by the sodium-soda method is necessary to remove calcium from the source water.
4) Coagulation with iron-containing reagents and flocculation for the subsequent removal of the formed calcium carbonate crystals and magnesium hydroxide particles.
5) The process of thin-layer sedimentation with the aim of separating suspended particles.
6) Removal of suspended particles and sodium carbonate crystals with hydraulic size less than 0.2 mm / s in the process of tubular ultrafiltration.
7) Sorption of organic compounds on activated carbon.
8) The process of two-stage reverse osmosis in order to obtain purified water suitable for return to production or discharge into a reservoir for fishery purposes, as well as minimization of the resulting reverse osmosis concentrate.
9) Vacuum evaporation to obtain salts with a moisture content of 40-60% and their possible subsequent disposal as solid industrial waste, clean condensate is mixed with the reverse osmosis filtrate and also return to production or discharge into a fishery water body.
10) The resulting sludge is dehydrated.
With method 9, water is used as technical water for irrigation and other agricultural needs.