Iraq is the top country of old culture ,history and civilization ,but now its going slow in return to lead in civilization despite its strategic position in middle east ,how can iraqi contribute to its progress?
The toponym of Iraq is quite new – it is only 12 centuries old. The region got this name after the Arab conquests. The Arabic name al-Iraq (العراق) is formed from the root عرق (to penetrate), the verb (to penetrate) and عِرَاقٌ (irāq, coast) – into which the Arabian Peninsula “penetrates”. By the way, the Arabs call Arabian Peninsula an Arabian Island (because on three sides it is surrounded by the sea, and on the fourth by the desert). The river at the confluence of the Tigris and Euphrates is also named by the Arabs the Shatt al-Arab "the Arab Coast" (شط العرب).
The emergence of ancient civilizations (Sumer, Akkad, Babylon) is associated with the existence on our planet of the geoclimatic region "Fertile Crescent" (from the Nile Delta through Palestine, Phoenicia (Lebanon) and Syria to Mesopotamia and further to the Persian / Arab Gulf). Exceptionally favorable conditions have developed here for irrigation farming and the appearance of the first towns.
There arose the first chain of proto-state formations on our planet which over time began to form early tribal / state unions, develop religious ideas and industrial technologies trade with each other, and conclude the first peace agreements.
Two centers of origin of cultivated plants (Mediterranean and Middle Eastern) and the oldest metallurgical provinces of the Copper and Bronze Ages (Balkan-Carpathian, Circumpontic Middle Eastern and Caucasian) came into contact here.
This factors probably dramatically accelerated the processes of trade exchanges and the development of agricultural technologies.
In short, everything happened like this.By the way, similar centers of early agricultural civilizations arose in India (Harappa), China and the Mekong Delta (later the Sea Jade Route passed here).