I understand if formative constructs are part of research models, then PLS-SEM is preferred. I wonder, how do we treat formative constructs in CB-SEM, i.e. AMOS? Can anyone help me please?
Hi Catherine, if I understand you right you will need an additional latent factor with reflective indicators in order to test your latent factor with reflective indicators. The reason is just because your firmative construct is not identified and therefore you need additional information. I can recommend Timothy Brown (2006) Conformatory Factor Analysis for applied research - chapter 8 is about some specification issues of this kind of models. Hope that helps!
Does AMOS uses formative or reflective indicators? Normally it is considered formative indicators. Then why do we use reflective indicators in measurement model during CFA?
Hi Khan, for validation of formative construct, it is the specification issue. Which means, you need have your formative construct pointing to a latent factor with reflective indicators in order to have your formative construct to be identified. I hope i explained it right. That's my understanding. You can read paper suggested by Gert Lang or also , you can read a few papers published by Adamantios Diamantopoulos. You can find a few papers on how to deal with formative construct on his profile page. He is also on Research Gate.