
Thank you very much in advance for your help and time!

I have two questions:

I wanted to know how to increase the memory for a task. My RAM is 64 gb. But even I set the priority to high in task manager or request more memory when i want to start the job, the allocated amount does not go more than 30 gb. How can I increase the limit? Or maybe this limit is what the job max. needs and there is no need to go higher.

On the other hand, I have two processors each 3.3 GHz. But although I am running now two simulations (the second simulation uses 12 Gb of RAM), only 25 % is used. Is there anyway to increase this?

I wanted to know how much the element type affects the run time. For example for a model I am using tetrahedral elements, and it seems to take longer.

Thank you

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