I am facing difficulty to show separate bands for LC3A/B bands. I find only one band. Here are my procedures; I cultivated THP-1 (monocyte, macrophage both tried) cells with 2% FBS Media 24 hours,. I used M-PER and Cocktail Protease inhibitor to make lysate
1. Lysate (20 ug) Load on 4-12% NuPage Bis-Tris gel with MES buffer. Run 100 V, 90 min
(I also tried Bolt 12% gel at the same condition)
2. Transfer to PDVF membrane (0.2 um) at 35V, 2H
3. Blocked 5% Milk with TBST
4. Blotted LC3A/B, Cell Signaling (1:1000), overnight
5. Washed 3x5min
6. Blotted Secondary Ab (1:2000)
7. Washed 3x5min
8. Developed 2 min with SuperSignal™ West Pico PLUS Chemiluminescent Substrate (Thermofisher)
9. I found always one band.