I am co-expressing my recombinant protein cloned in pET28a along with chaperone plasmid pKJE7 which helps in folding otherwise protein goes into inclusion bodies. But during purification by Ni-NTA affinity chromatoghaphy chaperone protein co-elutes with my recombinant protein. I have done the gel-filtration chromatography of the eluted fraction which suggests that chaperone is binding with my protein. I have tried different strategies like eluting Ni-NTA bound protein with 10-600 mM KCl, increasing MgCl2(10mM), lowering the pH of the solution upto 6 and ATP/MgCl2 upto 10 mM but protein is still bound with the Ni-NTA along with chaperone. Kindly suggests what can be done to resolve the issue?

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