We have this type of capillaries: outer diameter 1,5 mm inner diameter 1,1 mm without filament. We have this Puller: Flaming/Brown Micropipette Puller P-97 (We can change these parameters: heat, pull, velocity, time/delay and pressure).
I suggest you take a look at the pipette cookbook, they recommend parameters for specific applications: http://www.sutter.com/PDFs/pipette_cookbook.pdf
We used a pipette puller to fabricate 2-10 um micropipette. The parameters can be fond in the manuscript. http://www.sutter.com/PDFs/pipette_cookbook.pdf
You may need to read the cookbook and try the parameters several times in order to make the proper 100 um diameter pipette.
I pull pipettes this size by hand, over a bunsen with a blue flame (we use 80-100um diameter as holding pipettes). Sure, there is a bit of wastage as you get the hang of it, but I failed to achieve a big enough pipette on the Sutter.
Hand pulling may produce approx. 100 micron diameter. Sutter puller will also give the same. However it is important to cut the capiilarry at 100 micron using microforge. Microforge will also be used to polish the opening of your holding pipette.