Hello everyone!

I am currently working with the model organism Ectocarpus (filamentous brown algae). Our team is trying to standardize a protocol for RNA extraction using low biomass (around 10 mg fresh weight) using the commercial Qiagen RNeasy Plant Mini Kit, as this kit is the one used in several papers dealing with Ectocarpus. Nevertheless, we haven't been able to isolate good quantity of RNA (just 5-6 ng/uL). I am wondering if there is a way (or another kit) that can be used to get more RNA concentration. Also, we are disrupting cells using pellet pestles. I was thinking on changing the lysis buffer for CTAB and then use this lysate in the Qiagen columns.

Any recommendations?

Btw, I'm aware of other non-commercial methods (conventional ones) for RNA extraction from Ectocarpus, but we'd prefer to use kits to save time and process multiple samples simultaneously.



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