I`m trying to prepare a solution of water-cmc with the highest content of CMC possible for further processing, but I wanted to know how I can lower the viscosity so it will be easier to handle but still dissolve properly?
I guess it's a good idea to optimize the CMC concentration in water solution with the goal of the highest possible CMC concentration and the lowest viscosity at the same time.
I think you can use Mixture-Design in Minitab or Design Expert for this purpose.
Уменьшение вязкости возможно, если использовать более низкомолекулярный полимер КМЦ.
КМЦ это жесткая полимерная структура, поэтому рекомендации Филип Рольфе вряд ли сработают. При добавлении соли произойдет высаливание полимера в осадок или он загустеет в гель. При подкислении тоже возможно осаждение. Обратите внимание на чистоту раствора. Если в растворе имеются металлы, раствор КМЦ образует гель, а также образуется осадок. Посмотрите мои патенты, я много работал с КМЦ.
Mahmoud Abdulkareem Андрес Майнерс! There is a dependence of viscosity on acidity; viscosity decreases. But experimental data have shown that the dependence is unstable. In the presence of metals in the solution, the acid destroys metal complexes with the polymer and the viscosity decreases. Temperature does have an effect too. I'll provide a link:https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/otnositelnaya-vyazkost-vodnyh-rastvorov-na-karboksimetiltsellyulozy-i-ee-izmenenie-v-zavisimosti-ot-kislotnosti-sredy-temperatury-i/viewer. Viscosity depends weakly on concentration. Therefore, the only way to reduce viscosity is to use low molecular weight cellulose.
As others. have pointed out, you can lower the concentration of NaCMC or add an inert salt like sodium chloride. Adding NaCl only lowers the viscosity if the CMC concentration is low (