I would like to confirm that my lymphocytes are stocked on top of the membrane of the transwell insert after a migration assay.
After the migration assay. I stained the transwell inserts with crystal violet in order to see the cells that remain in the membrane. I let the membranes to dry overnight.
Now I want to do a CD3-FITC staining of the membranes of the insert, to see that those cells are indeed T-cells. But the staining is very mild and difficult to see under a microscope. I have a few ideas of how to proceed, but I would very muhc appreciate your inputs:
I'll try to do CD3 staining on the membranes before the crystal violet, so therefore before the membrane is dry. (Dry tissue will not be too good for IHC)
Could I remove the membrane from the insert without damaging the cell layer? In that way, I could mount it on a coverslip and it would be easier to visualize under the microscope. Also, it would prevent the tissue from drying.
Right now I am incubating the Ab at 10ug/ml (recommended) for 1h RT.
Thank you in advance for your ideas and comments!