07 July 2019 4 1K Report

I used 3-HPA as matrix (10mg/mL in 50% ACN water solution with 1 mg/mL ammonium citrate dibasic) , and the sample (~60 pmol, 30-mer, and 10 of 30 were phosphorothioated ,~ 9.4 kDa) was analyzed in Shimazu Maldi 8020 positive mode (linear). The oligmer was desalted by a 3k cut-off ultrafiltration tube (3 times) before analysis.

When the laser energy reached 90, the peaks of 3-HPA appeared, but there were no signal around 8 kDa-10 kDa, even noise;

and I countinued to raise up the laser energy to 120, the noise came out but still no spetra of the DNA sample.

Did my DNA samples still have salts that affect the ionization? Please help me. Thanks

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