I am working on a rice mutant which showed leaf yellowing phenotype. Initially, very tiny lesion mimic spots appeared randomly on the old leaves, then the spots expand and finally, the leaves completely turned yellow, dried and died. However, young leaf seemed normal. At the mature stage, mutant plants died earlier than wild type. I conducted dark treatment assay, which is usually used to discover the senescence status, there showed no difference between mutant and wild plants. I also checked the expression level of several pathogen-related genes (PRs), such as pr1a, pr4 and pbz1. However, no significant difference was identified as well. Based on the phenotype, I suspected either senescence or immunity induced PCD was affected the mutant performance. However, the simple experiments I did seemed rule out my hypothesis. How can I determine is the senescence or PCD triggered the phenotype of my mutant? Or can anyone give some marker genes to distinguish these two physiological processes in rice? Many thanks in advance.

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