I performed catalase assay according to A.K Sinha with modification. I took 1 ml of reaction mixture containing 20uL sample, 780uL dH2O, 0.1M Na-P buffer (final conc. 0.01M) and 100uL H2O2 soln (0.2M). I found OD in the range of 0.9 to 1.5. How can I calculate Catalase activity in this case? I also made standard curve for the above purpose ranging from 25-800mM conc.
What amount of 30% H2O2 (w/w) should be added in ddH2O to make 10ml of 1mM of H2O2 soln. according to me, i should add 1uL 30% H2O2 (w/w) in 10 ml of ddH2O as the strength of H2O2 is 9.76M/L. Is it right? Kindly help me in this regard. Thanking you in advance.