We sampled plants in 5 plots x different habitats (mature, degraded and secondary forests). In every habitat we measure functional traits for the present species. Our traits are a mix of continuous and categorical variables .

There are differences in the continuous traits between the same species in the different habitats.

We want to compare if there are differences on functional diversity between habitats.  As in the attached paper.

I was trying with the function "treedive" of the "vegan" package of R. But unfortunately, I can just supply one database of traits that were measure one time to all the species. In our case, we have several repetitions of traits (continuous) of the same species but at different habitats resulting in different values. 

I was thinking in divide the dataset in static traits (categorical) and compare with the treedive function. And with changing traits (continuous) and compare them with multivariate analysis. But I am not sure if this will affect the nature of my study (comparing functional diversity).

Another option that I was thinking was just compare the distance matrix (all traits) of each habitat.

What do you think or suggest?

Thanks in advance.


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