We've developed a biosensor based on plasmonic resonance of nanoparticles and would like to perform antibody-antigen conjugation experiments. With almost no formal biology experience, it's really unclear to me how to select a antibody to try. Because we are characterizing our sensor, I'd like to do the following:
1. Measure binding between a very well understood, strongly interacting and affordable antibody-antigen pair.
2. Measure nonspecific binding.
Although it's not a certainty, I had planned to deposit the antigen onto the sensor surface and detect the antibody (rather than the other way around). Therefore, in choosing a non-specific binding protein, what considerations should be in play? I had thought that either BSA or cassein would be sufficient (any ideas?).
Cost is certainly an issue, so how important is purity in your opinion of the samples? Again, we're only testing our system, so the more simple the antibody-antigen, the better.