Please let me know how to get a page number of a method published in American Association of Cereal Chemists (AACC) or The Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC).
I found the answer, first is easy to find a page of a method cited in AOAC either from AOAC book in your library or if you have an electronic version in your PC. However, the most difficult page number to find is when a method found in AACC, It is impossible to find a researcher write a page from a method he/she cited for two reasons; you must buy a method from AACC around $200 the second reason people in the AACC hardly to respond to your question if you asked them to supply you with a page number. Imagine a reviewer asked you to write a page number from a method in the AACC. Clearly this problem associated with developing countries. So how can you help them!