Some ongoing trials will answer your question. in my mind the only possible role is in the prophylactic setting, after R0resection, in high risk or in positive cytology cases.
The italian SICO Oncoteam has just collected up to 350 gastric cancer patients operated with HIPEC, we wait the results from Franco Roviello and co-workers.
HIPEC in gastric cancer is one of the most extensively studied indications. Regarding the results of randomized trials and meta-analyses the best results can be expected in patients with PCI
New evidence supporting HIPEC is coming soon from French randomized trial of HIPEC for gastric cancer. The paper is accepted for publication in the Journal of Clinical Oncology. Just wait the release of the article. Undoubtedly there is a grade 1, level A evidence about HIPEC in gastric cancer.
To the best of my knowledge, Peritoneal Cancer Index (not Score) was described in 1996 by Jacquet and Sugarbaker. From decades all of the teams dealing with peritoneal surface malignancy used PCI as a main staging/prognostic system for PCM, and the scheme of PCI calculation is a part of the operative report elsewhere. Several other scores exists, but PCI remains the most used and widespread tool.