In this question/thread I'd like to hear your opinions about various designs of typical cell culture experiments. It's a complex matter and I have several questions but I'll try to squeeze most of it in this opening post. For model designs I'll use the lme4 notation, with (1|factor) denoting random factors, I'm rather new to this, so feel free to point out errors in interpretation you feel I might be making. I've also made a sort of example sheet to illustrate some of my points, as I'm not versed well enough in the subject to formulate text unambiguously.

The type of experiments I mean are your run-of-the mill micro-plate experiments, with a normally distributed continuous dependent variable, let's call it DV (think for instance absorption on a plate reader). A typical design might look as follows: a (96-well) microplate is seeded with cells and the cells are subjected to a few experimental conditions. Several wells are exposed to the same condition (these are called technical replicates here), the number of which per condition usually depends on how many wells are left on the plate and aesthetic preferences in plate layout design. Note: adding extra wells per condition is very easy/non-time consuming.

Traditionally the technical replicates are averaged, which makes the plate (or perhaps batch if there are several plates) the experimental unit and the experiment is repeated on different days. The formal reason to use averages is that values within a plate *might* be (auto-)correlated and it is difficult to account for this using traditional/frequentist methods.

It is however possible to correctly model the full design using mixed models, by for instance analysing the data as nested within plate. So now to my questions:

A: Do you think it is valid in general to use mixed models in this situation?

A1: Papers with in vitro studies have poor reproducibility, will using more powerful models further increase Type 1 errors?

B: Would lmer(DV~Condition + (1|plate)) be the correct way to specify the model? I guess plate is a crossed factor here, do you have to make nesting more explicit somehow? (see also sheet)

C: Does the number of technical (= lowest level) replicates influence the power of the experiment much? Note again that adding extra technical replicates in the design is very easy and can go up to large numbers. If it does, how does this affect your type I error? BTW: I realize increasing technical replicates will increase precision of the estimate, even if you do reduce them to an aggregate.

C1: How does the actual amount of autocorrelation affect the power? Alternatively put: how does the ratio of the within-plate variance and the between-plate variance affect power?

C2: If you said 'no' at A, doesn't the relationship between the variance at replicate and at plate level feel like important information somehow? Shouldn't it be in your ideal model?

D: Is there any difference in interpretation of the results compared to the traditional aggregated model (i.e. lm (aggrDV~Condition))

D1: Will the mixed model always be more powerful than the model with aggregated data? Does it approach power of the aggregated model when lowest level variance is comparatively low or comparatively high?

Now a special case that pertains to my own experiments: I'm doing experiments with primary cells from diseased donors, which are rare to come by. In this case I would traditionally use 'donor' as experimental unit (note in the first part all cells are clones from the same tumor/donor). As donors are rare I'm having power issues in my design (low n, no way of increasing it).

E: If you said 'no' at A: Do you think a design where you repeat experiments with the same donor several times and nest plate within donor is valid?

E1: Is lmer(DV~Condition + (1|donor) + (1|plate) then correct? Does order matter? Would you take 'measured values' or 'DV' as dependent variable? (see 2nd sheet)

E2: If your said no at E, won't that mean that you'll have to discard almost every paper using a cell-line?

F: In the simulation sheet donor example I've assumed plate is nested within donor, but in reality you just have the measured values. If you don't do a hierarchical model it starts to matter whether you aggregate by donor or by plate. How do you know which is correct? (see Aggr. DV1 vs Aggr DV2).

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