Thank you Renzo. Unfortunately my workplace does not have access to either of those online libraries. If you do have the full texts, I would be very grateful if you could attach them. Thanks!
Here is a link to a website from the University of Gotheburg,Sweden with the dissertation of one of my doctoral students:
Neuropsychological functioning of an Asperger child with exceptional skill in arranging picture stories.(includes abstract) Conson M; Salzano S; Grossi D; Neurocase (Psychology Press), 2011 Aug;
Local Information Processing in Adults with High Functioning Autism and Asperger Syndrome: The Usefulness of Neuropsychological Tests and Self-Reports.(includes abstract) Spek, Annelies; Scholte, Evert; Berckelaer-Onnes, Ina; Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders, 2011 Jul; 41 (7): 859-69. (journal article - research, tables/charts) ISSN:
0162-3257 PMID: 20862532 (I can send this to you)
Neuropsychological differences among children with Asperger syndrome, nonverbal learning disabilities, attention deficit disorder, and controls.(includes abstract) Semrud-Clikeman M; Walkowiak J; Wilkinson A; Christopher G; Developmental Neuropsychology, 2010 Sep; 35
Neuropsychological functioning in adults with Asperger syndrome.(includes abstract) Ambery FZ; Russell AJ; Perry K; Morris R; Murphy DGM; Autism: The International Journal of Research & Practice,