I have been trying to digest a vector pXMCS for the last two months but no luck so far. I have been using NdeI and KpnI (Both of them were present on the plasmid map of the vector) as restriction enzymes and incubating the reaction at 37 degrees for 5 to 6 hours. I am using buffer 2.1 which is compatible with both enzymes. Even overnight digestion does not seem to work out. I also tried single enzyme digestion reactions for 5 to 6 hours and overnight (just to check which one of the enzymes is not working) but this is what I got (2nd picture). I would love to get some suggestions on the same. Thank you.

PICTURE 1: Lane 1: 1 kb plus ladder, Lane 2: uncut vector, Lane 3 and 4: Digestion reactions (with 1ug concentration vector each), Lane 5: Uncut vector, Lane 6: Digestion reaction (3ug vector)

PICTURE 2: Lane 1: 1 kb plus ladder, Lane 2: uncut vector, Lane 3: KpnI, Lane 4: NdeI

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