I am working on Helicobacter pylori, characterizing different strains and i would like to measure urease activity or amount. Did someone quantified urease activity or amount in helicobacter pylori or other bacteria?
Perhaps this article will be helpful. The "Materials and Methods" section describes the methods used to quantify the amount of H. pylori urease and to measure the activity of this enzyme.
Article Aminophosphinates against Helicobacter pylori ureolysis—Bioc...
Yes. You can ensure and quantify urease activity produced by H pylori in breath by urea breath technique depending on C13 and C14 through steps in a technique at which the patient will be setting down for at lest 20 minutes at right position after having the capsule of C13 or C14.
Other laboratory test may be helpful qualitatively by detection of H. Pylori Ag in stool and anti-H Pylori Ab in blood.
Also, I want to add you can know the quantity and copies of bacteria in human being like blood by doing real time -PCR. Through amplification of desired and encoded gene for this bacterium like 16 SrRNA and etc. you can detect the quantity of bacteria per 1 ml of blood. Also, this technique is so important for follow up of patients whether there are respond to treatment with anti-H pylori drugs or not.