I want to mainly identify long nc RNA.
For both methods, there are manuals available from the companies itself. It should be quiet easy to prepare samples with respective kits and following the protocol in instruction manuals.
Thank you for your help.
My samples are different in size and I need to see if the alpha coefficient in one group is significantly different from that in the other group. My data are in SPSS (I am not an R user,...
28 February 2021 2,688 4 View
To maintain the proper crop plan most of the times there is not enough time to make the field ready for the next crop. In this particular context , can bio-decompser be a solution? What about...
16 February 2021 7,068 24 View
I am doing multiple sequence alignment to design primer for my gene. Can anyone tell me how to select the consensus sequence after alignment. I am using ClustalX for the alignment.
04 February 2021 8,872 2 View
Basically, I want to get the sequence of peptides. I assume, digesting these peptides from each band may give me a different sequence than the original through LC-MS analysis. If digestion doesn't...
30 January 2021 5,482 3 View
To be precise, I am looking for studies on informal labour that have taken on board Sanyal's category of the Need Economy and his 'Politics of Exclusion' in studying the political-economy of...
26 January 2021 4,219 3 View
I wanted to know if there is any software/app that helps to easily annotate hand joints in an RGB image manually.
28 October 2020 9,693 3 View
The ATCC media preparation mentions trypticase and I am not able to find trypticase from any company like HiMedia, Merck or Sigma
26 October 2020 1,822 6 View
Deepwater rice cultivars found in various regions around the world have their own differences. Please mention how the deepwater rice cultivars of North-Eastern India varies from that of Southeast...
23 October 2020 1,333 3 View
Require to know the methodology for calculating dimensions (Lenght, diameter), operating frequency, etc. of a simple pulse tube refrigerator. Reference to handbook or manuscript would also be helpful.
29 September 2020 2,191 2 View
I want to know how it is affecting agriculture around the globe. Because its a platform in which people from different parts of the world unites.
24 September 2020 400 27 View
Hi everyone, Illumina provides a list of primers to amplify with high taxonomic coverage the ITS1 region for further fungal sequencing, but I cannot find the exact amount necessary of each...
25 February 2021 6,969 3 View
Hello, I have demultiplexed my short reads and I have removed the Illumina adapter left in the sequences and now I need to remove the barcodes used by the sequencing centre from my reads. I have...
22 February 2021 9,873 3 View
Hi, I am working on some 16S sequencing data, and seems some of them are low quality. I am not sure how to set the trunc value in dada2. qiime dada2 denoise-paired \ --i-demultiplexed-seqs...
30 January 2021 6,213 3 View
Genotyping data is from Illumina Global screening array 24 v 2.0 and ConsistencyDupSNP.sh file contains list of pair of duplicated SNPs in GSA24 v 2.0.
18 December 2020 1,966 3 View
I am interested in the different tools that can be used to create custom databases for targeted sequencing and how to trim the databases based on the amplicon size? Also, should custom databases...
02 December 2020 3,105 3 View
I am looking to run illumina miseq data through dada2, but the limited identification of this gene means there are no pre-build databases. I have a database built in MOTHUR format, does anyone...
30 November 2020 8,228 3 View
I downloaded the expression matrix data "GSE143416_Brain_data_TPM.txt.gz" of GSE143416 from Gene expression omnibus ( https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi). However, the first column of...
30 November 2020 1,304 3 View
Adding heterogeneity spacers to primers used for Illumina based amplicon studies has proven to improve read quality by increasing bp diversity on the flow cell during sequencing. I have seen two...
01 November 2020 9,071 3 View
I am looking for opinions/recommendations of NGS Platforms (Illumina vs. BGI/MGI) from people that had opportunity to work on both hardware: MGISEQ-T7 and NovaSeq 6000 or analyze data from both....
04 October 2020 8,125 1 View
I recently performed plasmid extraction and nanopore sequencing. I have found what looks like a plasmid with replicon types IncX and IncF. Even with spAdes, canu, unicycler (illumina and nanopore...
29 September 2020 7,778 2 View