I would like some advice on the preparation of the media used to screen for killer enzyme activity in yeasts. I prepared yeast extract - malt extract - methylene blue agar (YM-MB agar) containing 0.3% yeast extract, 0.3 % malt extract, 0.5% peptone, 1.0% glucose, and 2.0% agar supplemented with 0.003 % methylene blue, buffered with 0.05 M citrate buffer to pH 4.2 according to Young (1987). The issue I am having is the media in the plates is soft and does not set properly, which makes spreading the yeast of interest on the plate difficult. I imagine it is the combination of the dye, low pH and possibly more agar that may be the issue. I would also like to know if the dye should be added to the media prior to, or after, autoclaving the media. Alternatively, should the dye be filter sterilized and added afterwards or can the dye be added as is without sterilizing it. I am going to try and make the changes to the pH and add more agar like I mentioned, but if anyone has dealt with this issue already and has advice on how to sort this issue out right away I would greatly appreciate it.