I am not sure if we are supposed to change staining protocol for different mouse strains, but I am having difficulty staining (free floating immunofluorescent staining) on my 5XFAD mouse brain sample.
Basically, I see high background staining (auto-fluorescence) when I use confocal.
My samples were previously exposed to 4% PFA (perfusion + overnight post fixation) then washed and stored in 1XPBS with 1% sodium azide.Tissues were embedded into LMP 3% agar and sliced (50 um), using vibrating microtome.
So far I've tried...(***blocking solution contains 0.1% tritonX-PBS)
To make it clear, there is no confocal issue. So far I've never encountered this problem when I stained on other mice.
Any suggestions (protocol/reference) would be much appreciated!