Hi guys,

I'm looking for a polymerase for PCR to construct libraries for sequencing. I have 790 samples. I've been told by the sequencing company that I need a high-fidelity polymerase and they recommended New England BioLabs' Q5 High Fidelity polymerase which is supposed to be better than a Taq.

I was torn between that and the Phusion Hot Start from Thermo Fisher (although I see NEB also sells one called this - is it the same thing?). The Q5 is cheaper but I've seen lots of people recommending the Phusion which makes me want to try that.

Also I'm tempted to get the mastermix because I was thinking less pipetting (of dNTPs and buffer) would mean less risk of contamination, and it's easier, but more expensive. Does anyone have any experience with these or advice?

Massive thanks in advance!


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