Hi all, I am analysing body weights and feed intakes from a study involving chickens. I had 4 treatments in a randomised block design, 20 pens per treatment. I arranged the treatment groups into blocks of 4 so each treatment would appear once per block, to account for factors in the shed like proximity to the door, or to the heater. Now I'm analysing my data using one-way and two-way ANOVAs in Genstat and I'm including the blocks. However, I'm noticing my P values for the female chickens only are higher than I expected, but when I ignore the blocking, they are lower. For example for feed conversion ratio, with the blocks I get p = 0.043 and without, I get 0.008. Why is this? And is it ok to ignore the blocks and just analyse the data without taking them into account, if they are just complicating matters?

Thanks so much!


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